China was always a technological super state. We in the west just were largely unaware that you even existed.I can only hope that in the months and years ahead, level heads might sooner or later prevail and that our conflicts prove temporary and resolvable for we surely have more to gain from this unique and extraordinary country when inflammatory provocation is replaced by sincere, mutually beneficial cooperation.
And although I confess, I‘m not a huge fan of the American President. I feel we do owe Trump a debt, because every time he opens his mouth, he seems to sell our movie and we don’t have to pay him.
However, when I started making better angels, I made a big mistake because I didn‘t start by, looking at telling stories. I started by talking to a lot of experts. I talked to political scientists, to bankers, to economists, to all kinds of academics, in book-filled rooms. And it was a nightmare. It was awful.
And I realized very quickly that I was making a film which was kind of like a radio show with a light on. It was a guaranteed cure for insomnia. Because it just wasn‘t interesting. And it didn’t have a pulse. It didn‘t have a heart.